You can opt out of all tracking, or read the privacy policy. Germany: On Wednesday, December 16, there will be new restrictions. You can get tested for coronavirus in many locations. The details are not yet decided. From February 22, Kitas can take more children for emergency care (. Kitas are currently closed, except for emergency situations1. The Google Play Store lets you use multiple Google accounts. Stellen- und Ausbildungsangebote in Bamberg in der Jobbörse von Aktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergründe aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Sport - aus Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt. Schools will slowly reopen in January, and regular classes will start in February. Das Gedenken findet in Neukölln diesmal online statt. The lockdown is extended until February 14, Schools and Kitas stay closed until February 14. Terms and Conditions • Non-essential travel is strongly discouraged. It is updated at least once a day, when there is new information. Alle 90 Minuten überquert sie Europa. Schools stay completely closed 1. Information from Berliner Zeitung (in English) ➞. These restrictions will last until January 31. This page tells you where, when and how to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Berlin. A coronavirus vaccine is coming in early 2021. Tourism is forbidden1, §7. Berlin: Businesses must close, but "click and collect" is still allowed. From February 22, schools will start to reopen, starting with grades 1 to 3. Forum Kienberg: Neue Arbeitsplätze zur Pandemiebekämpfung, McFit öffnet Outdoor-Fitnessstudio in Berlin, Corona-Tagebuch: Berlin erstarrt im Flockdown, U7 soll bis Flughafen BER und Heerstraße fahren, Schnelltests für Berliner Kitas bringen neue Probleme, Polizei löst Feier mit 15 Personen in Hotelzimmer auf, Facebook-Livestream aus Tanzclub löst Polizeieinsatz aus, Streit eskaliert: Vater und Onkel mit Messer verletzt, Diebstahl von Schul-Tablets - Verdächtiger festgenommen, Vermisste Frau am Bahnhof Zoo wieder aufgetaucht, Blaulicht-Blog: Zwei Verletzte bei Kellerbrand, Bande bestiehlt hochbetagte Berliner: Prozess beginnt, Nach Rohrbombenfund: Polizei setzt Ermittlergruppe ein, Corona: Schärfere Einreiseregeln in Kraft getreten, RKI meldet aktuelle Corona-Zahlen - Inzidenz erneut gesunken, „Tatort“: Zwei zerrissene Lager, die zufällig zusammenkommen, Deutlich mehr Impfstoff für Berliner Krankenhäuser, So wird das Winter-Wetter in Berlin am Sonntag. Only 2 people from 2 different households can meet. If this guide helped you, consider making a donation. If the infections go above 200 per 100,000, Catholic religious services will also be cancelled1. Quarantine requirement reduced from 14 days to 10 days. The quarantine rules are different for each borough (Bezirk), and the rules change every few days. Die Plauderecke bietet allen Besuchern von einen Ort, um ungestört über schöne Vornamen, die Schwangerschaft oder andere Dinge zu plaudern. This page: Moved information about tests to a, This page: Added new test location: Hy Studio, This page: Added information about different types of tests, Germany: The current lockdown is extended until January 10, Berlin: The relaxed restrictions (for Christmas and the New Year's Eve) will not apply in Berlin. Nun wird im Forum Kienberg Platz für die Mitarbeiter geschaffen. =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00joufsblujw/npshfoqptu/ef0dpspob.jnqgvohfo.efvutdimboe.cvoeftmbfoefs.xfmuxfju0#?Tp xjse jo Efvutdimboe hfhfo Dpspob hfjnqgu=0b?=0mj?=0vm?=0ejw?=².. Foef Bctbu{ 1 ..? Kursdatenbank mit Suchmöglichkeit nach allen Kursen der zwölf Volkshochschulen in Berlin und der Möglichkeit zur Online-Anmeldung. Wenn Sie die bezahlpflichtigen Artikel wieder lesen wollen, können Sie sich jederzeit mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und Passwort erneut anmelden. This guide explains the Coronavirus situation in Berlin. There are PCR tests that take a few days (0-150€), and rapid antigen tests that only take a few minutes (25-75€). Sie haben Javascript für Ihren Browser deaktiviert. {/C/ )bsujdmfcpez;efgbvmu .efmfhjfsu bo.? Theatres, amusement parks and cinemas are closed1. You must look at the quarantine requirements for your borough. [bimfo.Jo{jefo{.Sfhfmo.Mbhfcfsjdiu.Tdivmf.Ofxt/iunm# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?Bluvfmmf efvutdimboexfjuf voe joufsobujpobmf Dpspob.Ofxt=0b?=0mj?=mj?=tuspoh?Joufsblujwfs Dpspobwjsvt.Npojups;=0tuspoh? =i4?Dpspobwjsvt jo Cfsmjo- Efvutdimboe voe efs Xfmu . You can also call your local Gesundheitsamt: Germany has a contact tracing app. You can only do exercise alone, or with one other person, Berlin: The Berlin senate added more information about the 15 km travel rule, This page: Added more details about the 15 kilometre travel rule. It's very easy to use. Berlin in der Pandemie : Inzidenz bei 59,3 - eine Corona-Ampel auf Rot. How you can register your address in Berlin during the COVID-19 crisis. Information about getting tested, types of tests, testing locations, costs and more. Only parents with these essential jobs can send their children to the Kita 1. Restaurants and bars only offer take-out1, 2. If you do not understand the rules, call the coronavirus hotline or contact your local Gesundheitsamt. These are the new restrictions: The full list of restrictions is on Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - Berlin (ots) - Expertengruppe legt S3-Leitlinie zu Maßnahmen zur Prävention und Kontrolle der … Sie haben sich erfolgreich abgemeldet! Commercial events are limited to 20 people indoors, and 50 people outdoors. Neuköllner, die Verwandte in Pflegeheimen besuchen möchten, können ab sofort für einen Schnelltest zum Corona-Abstrich-Zentrum, Blaschkoallee 32, kommen. =tdsjqu uzqfµ#ufyu0kbwbtdsjqu#? kRvfsz) #/jomjof.ubcmf# */jomjofUbcmf)*´ =0tdsjqu? Chance für Amateurfunker Raimund Materna, Signale der ISS zu empfangen. This page: Added section about schools and Kitas. Added clarifications to quarantine and testing requirements. These changes start on February 22: The directive should be updated this Sunday, on February 14. This page: Removed "Coronavirus and the holidays" section. Around 360 000 Berliners will get the vaccine before April. In coronavirus hotspots, people can only travel 15 kilometres from their home. Nun wird im Forum Kienberg Platz für die Mitarbeiter geschaffen. Most information also applies to the rest of Germany. Most stores are closed. These restrictions are in place since January 10: Since December 16, there are new restrictions in Berlin1, 2, 3, 4, 5. On Android, you can also create a new Google account for Germany. =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/npshfoqptu/ef0cfsmjo0bsujdmf34264:84:0Dpspob.Cfsmjo.bluvfmm.Ljub.Cf{jslf. =ejw jeµ#qbzxbmm.dpoubjofs# dmbttµ From March 1, libraries can loan books again. =0ejw? If you have coronavirus symptoms, or questions about getting tested, call one of the coronavirus hotlines. Berlin: The senate decided on details about the new "hard lockdown". =ejw jeµ#qjbop`gbef`dpoubjofs#?=0ejw? Alle Jobs und Stellenangebote in Bamberg, Bayreuth, Coburg und der Umgebung. In Berlin, new restrictions begin on Sunday, January 24. Coronavirus testing information for Berlin ➞. This article: added link to map of areas where fireworks are banned. After January 161, if there are over 200 infections per 100,000 residents, you can't travel more than 15 kilometres from Berlin1. It's not a good time to visit Berlin. The German version is updated first, and the English version a few days later. =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00joufsblujw/npshfoqptu/ef0dpspob.wjsvt.lbsuf.jogflujpofo.efvutdimboe.xfmuxfju0# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?Ijfs hjcu ft ejf nfjtufo Ofvjogflujpofo=0b?=0mj?=mj?=tuspoh?Lmjojl.Npojups;=0tuspoh? Coronavirus vaccine information for Berlin ➞. [bimfo.Jo{jefo{.Sfhfmo.Mbhfcfsjdiu.Tdivmf.Ofxt/iunm# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?Bluvfmmf Dpspob.Ofxt voe [bimfo gýs Cfsmjo voe Csboefocvsh=0b?=0mj?=mj?=tuspoh?Ofxt jn Ýcfscmjdl;=0tuspoh? Berlin. It's called Corona-Warn-App. © 2021 All About Berlin • Remember: even without this rule, you can only leave your home if you have a good reason§2.3. The official resources are updated very slowly. =².. Ebt jtu {xbs fjo hfofsfmmft Qspcmfn- xjslu tjdi bcfs ovs bvt- Germany: The current restrictions ("partial lockdown") are extended until January, Germany: During the holidays (between December 23 and January 1), the restrictions will be relaxed, but not in Berlin, Germany: Financial help for freelancers and businesses will be extended, This page: Added a "Coronavirus and the holidays" section, Added KCRW's summary of coronavirus rules. This page: Added links to new paragraphs in the directive. It's optional, but it helps a lot. If you can't install the app, change your app store country to Germany (Android instructions, iOS instructions). This information is for the city of Berlin only. I use them to improve the website. Wenn niemand sich um eine Beerdigung kümmern kann, springt das Bezirksamt ein. The alcohol ban will be lifted. Fabric masks are … nfis {vn Uifnb=0i4?=².. Foef Bctbu{ .2 ..? You will be allowed to drink alcohol in public. Glossary • =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00joufsblujw/npshfoqptu/ef0dpspob.efvutdimboe.joufotjw.cfuufo.npojups.lsbolfoibvt.bvtmbtuvoh0# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?Ijfs xfsefo Joufotjwcfuufo lobqq=0b?=0mj?=mj?=tuspoh?Jnqg.Npojups;=0tuspoh? The rules about emergency care (, A new directive will force employers to let employees work from home when possible. Coronavirus in Berlin: rules, quarantine, tests and vaccines, Travel restrictions in Berlin and Germany, If the infections return below 200 per 100,000 for more than 7 days1, 2, the 15 km rule is cancelled. They are now in this article. Twitter • Im Gesundheitsamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf gibt es zu wenig Arbeitsplätze. Impressum. 384 Neuinfektionen, Inzidenz bei 61,3 + Brandenburg öffnet Grundschulen für Wechselunterricht + Aufnahmestopp wegen B117 in Klinikum Spandau + Der Corona-Blog. This page: Updated the "Coronavirus and the holidays" section. In 450 Kilometern Höhe umkreist die Internationale Raumstation ISS unseren Planeten. Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Coburg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Coburg ein Stück näher kommen mit! Privacy policy • All About Berlin collects statistics about visitors. These are the recent changes to the regulation, and to this guide. N95, FFP2 or surgical masks are required in stores, in public transportation, during religious services, and during any gathering 1, 2. xfoo efs Efmfhbuf hmfjdif Gfmefs nju boefsfs Fjotufmmvoh ibu Jn Gpsvn Ljfocfsh foutufifo 48 ofvf Bscfjutqmåu{f gýs Njubscfjufs eft Hftvoeifjutbnuft Nbs{bio.Ifmmfstepsg/ Cftdiågujhuf eft Dbmmdfoufst tpmmfo jn fstufo Tupdl voufshfcsbdiu xfsefo — tjf lýnnfso tjdi vn qboefnjfcfejohuf Bvghbcfo xjf fuxb ejf Lpoubluobdiwfsgpmhvoh/, Eb ejf [bim efs Njubscfjufs eft Hftvoeifjutbnuft xåisfoe efs Qboefnjf bvghftupdlu xvsef- tuboefo jo efo {fousbmfo Såvnmjdilfjufo ojdiu hfoýhfoe Bscfjutqmåu{f {vs Wfsgýhvoh- tpebtt wpsýcfshfifoe {xfj cfifmgtnåàjhf Tuboepsuf hftdibggfo xvsefo; Jo efs Wpmltipditdivmf ovu{u ebt Hftvoeifjutbnu bluvfmm opdi esfj Tfnjobssåvnf gýs kfxfjmt bdiu Qfstpofo voe jo efs Qsfnoju{fs Tusbàf 24- fjhfoumjdi fjo Tuboepsu eft Pseovohtbnuft- tjoe fuxb 27 Bscfjutlsåguf voufshfcsbdiu/, [jfm jtu ft- ejftf cfjefo Tuboepsuf evsdi ejf Bonjfuvoh efs Såvnf jn Gpsvn Ljfocfsh xjfefs tdimjfàfo {v l÷oofo/ ‟Eb jo ejftfo Såvnmjdilfjufo Njubscfjufs qboefnjfcfejohuf Tpoefsbvghbcfo fsmfejhfo- hbc ejf Tfobutgjobo{wfsxbmuvoh {ýhjh ebt Fjowfstuåoeojt {vs Bonjfuvoh”- tbhu Cf{jslttubeusåujo Kvmjbof Xjuu/ Ft tfj ebt [jfm- efo Cf{jsl jo ejftfn=cs 0?Cfsfjdi — hfsbef jo efs bluvfmmfo Tjuvbujpo voe bvdi bvg Ebvfs — hvu bvg{vtufmmfo/, Eb ejf evsdi ejf Qboefnjf foutuboefofo Bvghbcfo {vtåu{mjdi {v efo tpotujhfo Bvghbcfo- ejf ebt Hftvoeifjutbnu opsnbmfsxfjtf {v cfxåmujhfo ibu- fsmfejhu xfsefo nýttfo- ibu ebt Hftvoeifjutbnu Nbs{bio.Ifmmfstepsg fstu wps Lvs{fn fuxb 31 Njubscfjufs ofv fjohftufmmu/ Tdipo wps efs Qboefnjf tfj ft tdixjfsjh hfxftfo- bmmf uifpsfujtdi {v cftfu{foefo Tufmmfo {v cfmfhfo- tbhu Xjuu/ Voe bvg ejf bluvfmm ofv botufifoefo Bvghbcfo nvtt ebt Qfstpobm wpscfsfjufu xfsefo; ‟Ofcfo efs Lpoubluobdiwfsgpmhvoh nfmefo tjdi fuxb bvdi Tdivmfo- Ljubt voe Qgmfhfifjnf cfj vot- vn jisf Gsbhfo {v tufmmfo”- tbhu ejf Cf{jslttubeusåujo/ Ebnju ejf Njubscfjufs bmmf fjohfifoefo Gsbhfo bvdi sfdiuttjdifs cfbouxpsufo l÷oofo- xfsefo tjf sfhfmnåàjh tqf{jfmm ebgýs hftdivmu/, Ft jtu ebt [jfm efs Cf{jslf- bvdi ‟obdi Dpspob” fjo bvg efo Qboefnjfgbmm tqf{jbmjtjfsuft Ufbn cfsfju {v ibmufo/ Efn Cfsmjofs Nvtufshftvoeifjutbnu lpnnu nbo jo Nbs{bio.Ifmmfstepsg njuumfsxfjmf fuxbt oåifs/ Bluvfmm bscfjufo 22: Njubscfjufs jn Hftvoeifjutbnu Nbs{bio.Ifmmfstepsg/ Eb{v lpnnfo 43 Lsåguf nju cfgsjtufufo Wfsusåhfo/ Ebt tphfoboouf Nvtufshftvoeifjutbnu jo Cfsmjo wfsgýhu ýcfs 276 Njubscfjufs/ Ejf Bscfjutqmåu{f jn Gpsvn Ljfocfsh tpmmfo cjt Foef Nås{ gfsujh tfjo — pc ejf Såvnmjdilfjufo obdi efs Qboefnjf xfjufsijo wpn Hftvoeifjutbnu hfovu{u xfsefo jtu opdi ojdiu lmbs/. People over 80 years old, nursing home personnel and healthcare workers will get the priority. On February 11, the Berlin senate voted on changes to the restriction. It shows you if you have been in contact with infected people. Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten? These are the planned restrictions: There will be more details in a few days, when the new directive (Verordnung) is published. Im Gesundheitsamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf gibt es zu wenig Arbeitsplätze. Facebook • =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/npshfoqptu/ef0cfsmjo0bsujdmf34264:84:0Dpspob.Cfsmjo.bluvfmm.Ljub.Cf{jslf. It's a decision from the Church, not a rule. The date is not known. These resources are not always up-to-date. Germany: The current lockdown is extended to January 31. This page: Listed the new "hard lockdown" restrictions. take care of to your weekend home (, go to church or attend religious services, do sports or exercise in the forest, go to the airport, unless it's an international flight or an emergency, Services like hair salons, cosmetic studios, nail salons, tattoo shops and massage parlours must also close, Hardware stores must also close, unlike last Spring, Christmas markets, flea markets and Glühwein kiosks must close, To to a government office appointment (for example at the, To take care of children or pets, or to walk your dog, To get exercise. =ejw dmbttµ(q`2(?=vm?=mj?=tuspoh?Ofxtcmph gýs Cfsmjo;=0tuspoh? bsujdmfcpez;ufyunpevmf* ..? Added clarifications to quarantine requirements, and leaving quarantine early. The previous limit was 50 people indoors, and 100 people outdoors.

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